Lusk Car Rental
Lusk is a village which is located around 23 km north of Dublin. To make the best use of your time in Lusk, you can choose car rental Lusk services. The best part is our prices which makes the whole deal affordable. When you choose our low-cost Lusk car rental services, you are going to save excessive traveling which will add more comfort to your journey. With car rental Lusk, you can travel within the city and can explore its surrounding areas as well. With our easy booking management, you can also choose pick and drop location of your choice. With our affordable Lusk car rental service you get to enjoy additional benefits such as roadside assistance and 24/7 customer support, low road fund tax, unlimited mileage, airport fee, collision damage and theft waiver and liability insurance.
Lusk- Highlights
During pre-Christian times, the area was known as the birthplace of the wife of CuChullain whose name was Emer. This is the reason that there is a 20th century tradition amongst the old families of Lusk for keeping the name of their daughters - Emer. The town is having a round tower which was built in 15th century. There are 3 matching towers in this building at its corners. The square tower is holding ancient tombs which comprise of James Bermingham. Fingal is called the area which at present is known as North County Dublin which is bordered by Tolka River towards the south and towards the north side by Delvin River. Fingal is older that the city of Dublin and it was establilshed by Norsemen c. 900 AD around black pool. Enjoy exploring all these areas using car hire Lusk service.
Prior to St. MacCullin and Christendom the region was Bregia, which is also the birth place of Emer. You can see the Round Tower and it was built in 9th century by the Christians in order to foil the Vikings. It was in year 1910 that the world famous Black Raven Pipe Band was formed. The Black Raven was liked by the Vikings. Originally, the entrance door of Lusk Round Tower was 4 to 5m above the ground. The ladders were put into use to reach the entrance.
Inclusives with every booking
- 24/7 Roadside Assistance
- Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
- Vehicle Theft Waiver
- Liability Insurance
- VAT & Other Local Taxes